Basketball (Girls V)

Poise, big performances lead Blackhawks to PLAC-clinching win over Paoli

By Auston Matricardi | Jan 14, 2023 12:31 PM

The Blackhawks blew it. After leading all night, even getting the advantage up to 39-31 at the end of the third quarter, the Springs Valley girls’ basketball team was suddenly down 42-41. Orange County rival Paoli had stormed back and taken the lead on a Ryleigh Anderson putback and, it seemed, the team favored to win both the game and the Patoka Lake Athletic Conference had finally regained the momentum and Springs Valley's upset bid had ended. The Rams would stretch their lead to 43-41 with two minutes to play, but that’s as far as that momentum would carry them. Across the final two minutes Springs Valley outscored Paoli 9-0, using a whirlwind of offensive rebounds, tie-ups, and dives for loose balls to pick up its first win over the Rams since 2020 and its first at The Hawk’s Nest since 2004. As much as the Blackhawks’ hustle plays stood out, though, so did the sense of calm their players carried themselves with through the game’s closing sequence. With two freshmen, Maddie Carnes and Maci Eckerty, and Bella Nottger, who’s only returned to basketball this season after years away from the game, on the floor the Blackhawks didn’t blink when confronted with the loss of their lead or the pressure of a tight rivalry matchup. “It was definitely all about keeping our heads level,” Springs Valley senior Brynne Buchanan said. “To see our two freshmen and Bella Nottger, who’s a first-year player, just keep a level head under pressure like that was really cool. I think that’s what kept us in the game.” The win was more than a victory over a rival or an end to a 19-year drought, it somehow managed to have additional meaning. By beating the Rams, Springs Valley finished 5-1 in conference play to clinch at least a share of its first conference championship since the 2015-16 season and the fifth time in the last 23 seasons. The accomplishment is a remarkable one considering that on Dec. 12 the Blackhawks traveled to Perry Central and lost 47-39 to a team that ultimately finished with a 2-4 conference record and has just five wins in 20 games. Since that loss, Springs Valley is 6-1 with an average margin of victory of more than five points and three conference wins. “If you go back to that night we were playing Perry (Central), we couldn’t have been champions of the seventh-grade league the way we played,” Niehaus said. “For these guys to respond and bring up the level of play over the last two or three weeks has been huge.” Though she deferred to her teammates' poise as the reason for the win, Buchanan was the one who led the charge. The senior had one of the best performances of her career, pouring in four 3-pointers on her way to a team-high 16 points. She also had five assists, two rebounds, two steals, only two turnovers, and didn't commit a single foul in the game. In plainer terms, the Springs Valley captain was locked in. “Brynne is a leader and tonight she stepped up and led,” Niehaus said. “She hit those shots, made big plays on defense, and was just a stalwart out there. We’ve come to expect that out of her. She’s had some nights where the shots wouldn’t drop in, but she’s taken time to get extra shots at practice and I think getting her confidence back. Hitting those big shots today can’t do anything but help her going forward.” Down the stretch, it was Nottger who made big plays for the Blackhawks. The junior had four of her seven points in the fourth quarter including a huge pair of free throws. She also had a game-high 11 rebounds with six coming on the offensive end and spent a good chunk of the fourth quarter on the floor, diving for loose ball after loose ball. Not bad for a volleyball player. For all her hard work, she got to put the cherry on top of Springs Valley's victory. At the buzzer she dropped in a layup to kickstart the Blackhawks' celebration. “She was an absolute warrior, especially down the stretch there when we needed those big plays. She grabbed some big boards and diving on the floor and getting that ball was huge. She just wasn’t going to let this thing get away from us,” Niehaus said. “Her size has really added something to our team as she’s become more confident and started learning how everything works and what she’s doing. I think that she’s going nowhere but up and certainly helping to make us better.” Springs Valley (11-7, 5-1 PLAC) will now wait to see whether they'll win the conference outright or share it with another team. Paoli is the only team that could tie the Blackhawks, and in order to do that the Rams have to take wins over Mitchell and West Washington next week. Either way, the 'Hawks are excited to be champions and they'll try to carry their momentum through the remainder of the season. They'll return to the court on Monday to host Cannelton. “We knew that if we wanted any type of share of the conference we’d have to take this game, so that was a lot of motivation to come out here and win,” Buchanan said. “It means a lot to me and having these teammates by my side, I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’ve loved playing with them and we just gave it all we had.” PAOLI RAMS 43 3P;AFG;FT;R;PF;Pts Crews, g;3-7;6-15;3-5;4;3;18 Fleming, g;1-6;1-6;0-0;0;3;3 Higgins, f;0-0;3-5;0-1;6;4;6 Hess, f;1-3;1-4;0-0;4;0;3 Anderson, c;0-0;3-9;1-2;7;3;7 Hopper;0-0;2-3;0-0;1;2;4 Vernon;0-0;1-1;0-0;2;0;2 Radcliff;0-0;0-0;0-0;0;0;0 Totals;5-16;17-43;4-8;24;15;43 Shooting;.313;.395;.500 SPRINGS VALLEY BLACKHAWKS 50 3P;AFG;FT;R;PF;Pts Buchanan, g;4-9;5-13;2-3;2;0;16 Eckerty, g;1-5;2-8;1-2;1;1;6 Carnes, f;1-3;5-9;0-1;3;4;11 Hall, f;0-0;3-4;0-2;7;2;6 Nottger, c;0-0;2-7;3-4;11;4;7 Shipman;0-0;1-2;0-0;1;1;2 McCormick;0-0;0-2;2-2;2;0;2 Bonta;0-0;0-1;0-0;2;0;0 Totals;6-17;18-46;8-14;29;13;50 Shooting;.353;.391;.571 Paoli (11-10);10;9;12;12—43 Springs Valley (11-7);12;16;11;11—50 TO: Paoli 14, Springs Valley 12.